Month 9 of Making an Influencer (Video)

This month marked a transition in the MAI project. I decided to take the character to the next level by incorporating him in to a documentary film project. I’ve always been intrigued by documentaries that have you constantly questioning the reality of the subject matter; there’s something about that space between fiction and non-fiction that i find really inspiring and magical.

To grab a ticket behind the scenes go here.

Diary notes month 9:

  1. Completing The Fakefluencer script. 
  2. VR sausage videos due to polling on Twitter: Poll:
  3. The Revolution will not be Decentralized music video: Reddit convo:
  4. Starting to shoot Fakefluencer. Clip:
  5. Having Bitman start to bring Fakefluencer in to his story:
  6. Intention to Transition Diary from Making An Influencer to Fakefluencer film project: