Launch of

After a couple of weeks being public with the film project it has begun growing from just a film and becoming more of a collective of very interesting creative spirits, i therefore thought it beneficial we the collective have a unique name that we can all congregate under. I have thrown up a simple site at to collect interest.

Although not set in stone, the way i initially see it is defined as followers:

“Fakeception is a distributed collective of Artists and Engineers that co create and congregate around ideas of digital decentralization, online identity and the belief that due to the major modern and future means of communications there can never be a single agreed upon truth on the internet. Spawned on the back of a film project titled: The Fakefluencer, the collective creates living online and offline artworks designed to provoke thought and reason in an online world without either.”

I have purposefully not given it any concrete identity so that we can develop it further together going forward.

Check it out:
