Bitcoinsymposium 2022
Bitcoinsymposium 2022, den 26 mars på Stockholms Universitet Svenska Bitcoinföreningen och Kryptostudenter Stockholm bjuder stolt in till Bitcoinsymposium 2022! Dagen bjuder på intressanta talare, panelsamtal,
Bitcoinsymposium 2022, den 26 mars på Stockholms Universitet Svenska Bitcoinföreningen och Kryptostudenter Stockholm bjuder stolt in till Bitcoinsymposium 2022! Dagen bjuder på intressanta talare, panelsamtal,
When you are continuously investigating a project (as a fictional character) it’s easy to fall into a trap of becoming overly pessimistic with the world
We where selected in the category of Best Documentary for the Swedish International Film Festival. The organisers said: “Congratulations! Your film is Officially Selected for
Bitman 360 live stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAJfVnozY8M Take me to Hexico City NOW! : https://vrch.at/gwangju-korgmetcalf-bae3f Visit us at: https://www.bitjoinstudios.com And connect with the us on: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bitjoinstudios
In January 2022 I wrote 3 articles on an idea I was toying with over the holiday season, you can read the articles on Linkedin
In this post I would like to draw attention to some very simple “story making hacks” that I discovered while post producing The Fakefluencer film
The general idea with this question is to think primarily of children largely as products of their environment with any genetic traits from their parents
The Fakefluencer film recently screened at Bushwick Film Festival within the Metaverse! Thanks to organiser Lowkey Giant we were able to show what’s possible when combining NFTs and Virtual
At just two weeks into pre production planning of the Hexicans documentary we have a competing documentary, a law suit, and already hundreds of Hexicans